Richard and Vicky Fox are well known on the RHS show circuit for their dazzling displays of Heuchera, xHeucherella and Tiarella.
They have eleven Chelsea Golds to their name and also hold the national collection for Heuchera
They have a developing range of their own bred varieties which we are pleased to offer to the trade.
These selections are perfect for UK conditions, making a reliable product both in production and in the garden.
This great little plant has RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
It is a fabulous little Tiarella with dissected foliage creating the impression of wings, over the top of the leaf. Well Marked with maroon.
Pretty little deep pink buds open to pale pink stars creating many wands of foamy flowers.
Loved by bees, great pollinating plants.
RHS Chelsea plant of the year finalist.
This has wonderfully attractive large emerald green fingers with inky black markings and large starry white flowers.
We think one of the best Tiarella forms available at the moment.
Flowers so well too and foliage nearly always very showy.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees and pollinators
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
This was one of the original varieties bred by Richard & Vicky
Foliage Green with red veining and silver veil, which gets more pronounced as the season goes on.
Magnificent cylindrica flower spikes, tall and elegant with flowers that are unusually large (the largest flower on a Heuchera we have ever seen)
Flower stems are over 60cm. Great for cutting too.
Easy to grow and great for pollinators
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous foliage of tangerine with a wavy edge, which is constantly changing colour.
If grown in shade its a soft caramel colour. If grown in the sun the colour bright orange-peach as in the picture, then changes to a rich mahogany.
Very neat habit.
Creamy white frothy flowers.
Easy to grow, loved by the bees.
In the spring, deep violet foliage with a shimmer, which as the leaf grows becomes more silvered keeping a violet shimmer through early summer, by mid-summer/autumn it is very silvery foliage, dark
veins, slightly ruffled, with a purple underside.
Very pretty.
Easy to grow.
Loved by bees.
RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM)
Fabulous giant chocolate leaves which change colour to a burnt orange-brown in summer if in full sun.
They seem to have a satin sheen during the summer months.
Huge flowers stems carrying many pearly pinky-white bells, all down the stem, a bees delight
Very large, with neat mounding.